8 Biggest Tech Companies of 2020 | UserGuiding Blog

5 min readMay 30, 2020

There are thousands of various companies that offer thousands of different products and services.

Especially in recent decades, tech companies among these thousands have been popular, and they are making serious money.

If you are looking for a job in a prestigious company, or just looking to invest in a reliable business, I have listed the top 8 biggest tech companies in the world in 2020.

You’ve definitely heard of these companies at one point. Also, I’ve tried to focus this list on companies that provide software solutions, so if your favorite electronic parts company didn’t make the list, don’t be mad at me!

Table of Contents

Apple Inc.

  • Popular products: The iPhone, The iPad, The Macintosh
  • Revenue: $260 billion
  • Employee Count: 137,000

Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in April 1976. From the Apple I computer to the current iPhones and Macbooks that sell millions around the world, Apple had a long journey.

They are one of the biggest tech giants in the world that supply millions of users with electronic goods and services. They are at the top; and they don’t seem to be coming down anytime soon.

Alphabet Inc. (Google)

  • Popular products: Google, YouTube, Android
  • Revenue: $161.8 billion
  • Employee Count: 118.899

After Google was restructured in October 2015, Alphabet Inc. became the parent company of Google and many other Google businesses. Under Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s leadership, Alphabet changes the way we interact with the world through many of their groundbreaking tech products.

Located in Mountain View, California; Googleplex is home to this innovative tech company. We curiously await the next technological advancement they are going to add to our lives.


  • Popular products: Microsoft, Visual Studio, MS Office
  • Revenue: $125.8 billion
  • Employee Count: 151.163

Founded over 45 years ago by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Microsoft Corporation is a massive technology company that offers solutions on computer software and various electronics.

Although they have focused on consumer electronics for over a decade, in the last few years they have been focusing on cloud computing services, which significantly increased the company’s value.


  • Popular products: Alexa, amazon.com, Amazon Prime
  • Revenue: $280.522 billion
  • Employee Count: 840.000

Jeff Bezos’ Amazon was founded in July 1994 in Bellevue, Washington. With its pioneering success in e-commerce and services in cloud computing and streaming services, Amazon is considered to be the most valuable brand on earth.

You might have noticed that this international company has the highest revenue and the employees count on this list, proving their global presence.


  • Popular products: PlayStation, Sony Pictures Entertainment
  • Revenue: $80 billion
  • Employee Count: 114.400

Sony owns the largest music entertainment business in the world, and they have been producing many high-grossing movies. But that is probably not how you’ve heard of Sony, right?

They are more popular with their PlayStation, a video-game console, and their iconic exclusive video games.

The Tokyo-based business has helped advance technology by contributing to many improvements such as video and audio recording technologies and optical storage units.


  • Popular products: PUBG Mobile, WeChat, JD
  • Revenue: $52.81 billion
  • Employee Count: 62,885

Tencent is a 1998-founded Chinese company that holds the title “biggest video game company” at the moment. They also offer many internet products and services in China and globally.

They have invested in countless industries from search engine technologies to food delivery services and natural resources. Their product WeChat, that is similar to Whatsapp, is being used by over 1 billion people around the world; and a powerful product with many integrations to most social media.

Facebook Inc.

  • Popular products: Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram
  • Revenue: $70.697 billion
  • Employee Count: 44,942

Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is a 2.5 billion active-user business. In its first 2 years, it was only available to students; since 2006, anyone can join. According to research, Facebook is the second most-accessed tool after Google.

They later acquired Whatsapp and Instagram and set up integrations between these products.


  • Popular products: Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat
  • Revenue: $11.17 billion
  • Employee Count: 22,635

With various design applications, Adobe is a company that assists professional creativity. Their products help you in many different aspects: video and photograph editing, creating new designs, developing websites, and products…

Over 90% of the world’s creative professionals use Adobe’s Photoshop, and over the last 2 decades, Adobe is mentioned in professional publications as a great business to be a part of and to work for.

A few other tech companies that deserved a spot on this list but couldn’t make it are:

  • Alibaba
  • Samsung
  • Foxconn
  • IBM


There are many newly-founded tech companies out there that are growing rapidly, hoping to catch up with the tech giants such as those in this list.

But these tech giants have been around for a long time, and the digital experiences they offer are a product of thousands of experts and months of development. However, it is always a good idea to look up to them.

Building a brand for your business might be your first step to success!

Originally published at https://userguiding.com on May 30, 2020.

